Yith Multi Vendor vs Dokan: Choosing the Best Multivendor Marketplace Plugin for WordPress

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Choosing the right multivendor plugin for your WordPress marketplace can be tricky. Here’s a table comparing Yith Multi Vendor and Dokan to help you decide

Keypoints: Yith Multi Vendor vs Dokan

FeatureYith Multi VendorDokan
PricingFreemium model with a free version offering basic functionalities. Paid plans unlock advanced features.Freemium model with a free version offering limited functionalities. Paid plans unlock advanced features for both vendors and marketplace admins.
Ease of UseBack-end focused, with a steeper learning curve compared to Dokan.Front-end focused, allowing vendors and admins to manage most aspects from the WordPress dashboard, making it easier to use.
Customization OptionsOffers good customization options for the marketplace appearance.Offers extensive customization options for both the marketplace and vendor storefronts.
IntegrationsIntegrates with popular payment gateways and shipping plugins.Integrates with a wider range of third-party plugins and extensions.
Free Version FeaturesLimited functionalities, primarily focused on vendor registration and product management.Offers basic functionalities for vendors and marketplace management.
Mobile ResponsivenessMobile-friendly interface for vendors and customers.Mobile-friendly interface for vendors and customers.
Community & SupportActive community and comprehensive documentation.Active community, comprehensive documentation, and dedicated support options with paid plans.

For web developers and website owners looking to create a multivendor marketplace on WordPress, choosing the right plugin is crucial. Yith Multi Vendor and Dokan are two of the leading options in the market, each offering unique features and capabilities. Here’s a detailed comparison to help you decide which plugin might be the best fit for your project.

Pricing Structure

Both Yith Multi Vendor and Dokan operate on a freemium model. They offer a free version with basic functionalities suitable for startups and small marketplaces.

The paid plans of both plugins unlock advanced features, enhancing scalability and providing more control over the marketplace operations.

However, Dokan’s paid versions are particularly noted for extending advanced features to both vendors and marketplace admins, making it a versatile choice for growing businesses.

Ease of Use

Ease of use is a significant factor when choosing a plugin, especially for those with limited technical expertise. Yith Multi Vendor is known for its back-end focused interface, which might require a steeper learning curve and more technical knowledge for initial setup and management. On the other hand, Dokan features a user-friendly front-end interface, allowing both vendors and admins to manage operations directly from the WordPress dashboard. This makes Dokan an excellent choice for users who prefer intuitive and straightforward marketplace management.

Customization Options

Customization is key to standing out in a competitive online marketplace. Yith Multi Vendor offers good options for customizing the marketplace’s overall appearance, making it flexible enough to align with your brand. Dokan, however, takes customization a step further by providing extensive options not only for the marketplace but also for individual vendor storefronts. This feature is particularly beneficial for marketplaces that cater to a diverse range of vendors.


Integration capabilities determine how well the marketplace plugin can work with other systems, which is crucial for a seamless operation. Yith Multi Vendor integrates well with popular payment gateways and shipping plugins, ensuring basic operational needs are met. Dokan extends these integrations to include a wider range of third-party plugins and extensions, offering greater flexibility and potential for functionality expansion.

Free Version Features

The free version of Yith Multi Vendor focuses primarily on vendor registration and basic product management, which may suffice for very small startups. Dokan’s free version offers more comprehensive functionalities for vendor and marketplace management, making it a better option for those who want to test more features before committing to a paid plan.

Mobile Responsiveness

Mobile Responsiveness

Both plugins offer a mobile-friendly interface, ensuring that vendors and customers can access the marketplace smoothly on their devices. This feature is crucial in today’s mobile-first world, where a significant portion of users accesses online services on smartphones and tablets.

Community and Support

Support and resources are vital for troubleshooting and optimizing marketplace performance. Yith Multi Vendor boasts an active community forum and comprehensive documentation, aiding users in self-service. Dokan adds to this with dedicated support options available with paid plans, which can be invaluable for users requiring immediate help or more personalized support.

Yith Multi Vendor vs Dokan – What Do We Think?

Choosing between Yith Multi Vendor and Dokan ultimately depends on your specific needs and technical capability. If you prioritize ease of use and extensive customization, Dokan is likely the better choice. However, if you are looking for a robust back-end system with solid basic functionalities, Yith Multi Vendor might be the way to go. Both plugins are scalable and designed to grow with your business, making them excellent choices for creating a dynamic.


What are the main differences in pricing between Yith Multi Vendor and Dokan?

Both plugins follow a freemium model. Yith Multi Vendor and Dokan offer free versions with basic functionalities, but Dokan’s paid plans provide advanced features for both vendors and admins, making it more versatile for growing businesses.

How do Yith Multi Vendor and Dokan compare in terms of ease of use?

Yith Multi Vendor has a back-end focused interface with a steeper learning curve, whereas Dokan offers a user-friendly front-end interface, allowing easier management directly from the WordPress dashboard.

Which plugin offers better customization options for a WordPress marketplace?

Dokan provides extensive customization options for both the marketplace and individual vendor storefronts, making it highly flexible. Yith Multi Vendor also offers good customization options but is more focused on the overall marketplace appearance.

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